Editorial Team

Chief Editor  

Prof. Raad Yahya Qassim

Department of Ocean Engineering,

The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Email: raadqassim@hotmail.com

Profile Link: NA

Short Biosketch


Academic Editors

Dr. P. Elangovan

Assistant Professor,

Department of EEE,

School of Electrical and Communication Sciences,

B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, India

Email: elangovan.eee@crescent.education, elangoieee2007@gmail.com, elangoeee2007@gmail.com

Profile link : https://crescent.education/university

ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0616-747X

Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57215483376

WOS: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/M-9938-2018

Short Biosketch


Prof.  David Armando Contreras-Solorio

Academic Unit of Science and Technology of Light and Matter,

Autonomous University of Zacatecas, Mexico

Email:  dacs10@yahoo.com.mx , dacs1015@gmail.com

Profile Link: NA


Prof. Ahmed Bdour

Water Resources and Environmental Engineering,

Department  of Civil Engineering,

The Hashemite University, Jordan

Email: bdour@hu.edu.jo

Profile Link: https://goo.gl/EnXY3o

Short Biosketch


Prof. Anuj Kumar Goel

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering,

Chandigarh University, India

Email: anuj40b@gmail.com, anuj.goel@twu.ca

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Djordje Cica

Associate Professor,

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,

University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Email: djordje.cica@mf.unibl.org, djordjecica@gmail.com

Profile Link: http://www.unibl.org/en/fis/zaposlen/1196-djordje-cica

Short Biosketch


Dr. Pijush Samui

Associate Professor,

Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Patna, India


Adjunct Professor,

Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam

Email: pijush.phd@gmail.com, pijush@nitp.ac.in, pijushsamui@gmail.com

Profile Link: https://goo.gl/dyYTG5


Dr. Syamsul Bahari Bin Abdullah

Senior Lecturer,

Faculty of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering,

Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia

Email: syamsul@ump.edu.my

Profile Link: https://goo.gl/7tDvMT


Dr. Harekrushna Sutar

Assistant Professor,

Department  of Chemical Engineering, 

Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang, India

Email: h.k.sutar@gmail.com, harekrushna.sutar@igitsarang.ac.in

Profile Link: http://igitsarang.ac.in/faculties/chemical


Dr. Y.Thiagarajan

HOD-EEE & Placement Advisor,

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,

Christ College of  Engineering and Technology, India

Email: thiagu2517@gmail.com, thiagarajan_eee@christcet.edu.in

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Siamak Hoseinzadeh

Department of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering,

University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa

Email ID: hosseinzadeh.siamak@up.ac.za

Profile Link: https://www.up.ac.za/mechanical-and-aeronautical-engineering/article/48434/staff


Dr. Guang Yih Sheu

Associate Professor,

Chang-Jung Christian University, Taiwan

Email: xsheu@hotmail.com

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Pierre-Olivier Logerais

Associate Professor,

Department of energy systems,

Université Paris-Est Créteil, France

Email: logeraispo@gmail.com, pierre-olivier.logerais@iutsf.org

Profile Link: https://sites.google.com/site/logeraispo/


Dr. S. Selva Nidhyananthan

Associate Professor,

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,

Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, India

Email: nidhyan@mepcong.ac.in, nidhyan_s@yahoo.co.in

Profile Link: https://www.mepcoeng.ac.in/selvanidhyananthans


Dr.Mehmedi Vehbi Gökçe

Associate Professor,

Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture,

Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University, Central Campus, Turkey

Email: mvehbi@gmail.com

Profile Link: https://www.ohu.edu.tr/akademik/mehmedivehbigokce


Dr. Heba Abdallah Mohamed Abdallah

Associate Professor,

Department of Chemical Engineering,

Engineering Research Division,

National Research Centre, Egypt

Email: heba_nasr94@yahoo.com, drhebaabdallah3@gmail.com

Profile Link: NA


Prof. Felipe Silva Semaan

Department of Analytical Chemistry,

Fluminense Federal University, Brazil

Email: felipesemaan@gmail.com, semaan@vm.uff.br

Profile Link: http://www.ppgq.uff.br/index.php/br/docentes


Dr. Qing Li

Associate Professor,

Anhui Agricultural University, China

Email: qingli@ahau.edu.cn, suesliqing@163.com

Profile Link: https://jsxx.ahau.edu.cn/ch/jsxx_show.html?zgh=2021014


Prof. Okan Özer

Department of Engineering Physics,

Engineering Faculty, University of Gaziantep, Turkey

Email: ozer@gantep.edu.tr

Profile Link: https://goo.gl/PQgzsn


Dr. E. Ramachandran

Associate Professor,

Department of Physics,

Thiruvalluvar College, Tamil Nadu, India

Email: esakkiramachandran@yahoo.co.in

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Grzegorz Sierpiński

Associate Professor,

Department of Transport Systems and Traffic Engineering,

Silesian University of Technology, Poland

Email: grzegorz.sierpinski@polsl.pl

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0146-3264


Prof. Hamdy  Mohy El-Din Afefy

Department of Structural Engineering,

Faculty of Engineering,

Tanta University, Egypt

Email: hamdyafefy@hotmail.com, hamdy.afefy@f-eng.tanta.edu.eg

Profile Link: NA

Short Biosketch


Prof. Leandro A. Pasa

Campus Medianeira da Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana, Brazil

Email: pasa@utfpr.edu.br

Profile Link: https://goo.gl/99VYxd


Prof. Ravi Kant

Department of Physics,

Bhai Gurdas Degree College,

Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, India

Email: ravikant_mail@rediffmail.com

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Jitesh T. Chavda

Assistant Professor,

Department of Civil Engineering,

S.V. National Institute of Technology Surat, India

Email: jtc@amd.svnit.ac.in, jiteshchavda03@yahoo.in

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Neha Munjal

Assistant Professor,

School of Physical Sciences,

Lovely Professional University, India

Email: nehamunjalphy@gmail.com

Profile Link: NA


Dr.  Katarzyna Pietrucha-Urbanik

Associate Professor,

Department of Water Supply and Sewage Systems,

Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture,

Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland

Email: kpiet@prz.edu.pl

Profile Link: NA


Prof. Huan-Liang Tsai

Department of Electric Engineering,

School of Engineering,  Da-Yeh University, Taiwan, R.O.C

Email:  michael@mail.dyu.edu.tw

Profile Link: NA


Prof. Yunjin Yao

Department of  Chemical Engineering,

School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,

Hefei University of Technology, China

Email: yaoyunjin@gmail.com

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Jichao Sun 

Associated Professor,

China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China

Email: sunjc@cugb.edu.cn, jichao@email.com

Profile Link: NA

Short Biosketch


Dr. Karim RAGUI

Institute of Engineering Thermophysics,

Chinese Academy of Sciences, IET-CAS, China

Email: ragui-karim@live.fr

Profile Link: NA

Short Biosketch  


Dr. Bharatish A

Assistant Professor,

Department of  Mechanical Engineering,

RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India

Email: bharatisha@rvce.edu.in

Profile Link: NA

Short Biosketch  


Prof. Raul Duarte Salgueiral Gomes Campilho

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

ISEP – School of Engineering, Porto, Portugal

Email:  raulcampilho@gmail.com, rds@isep.ipp.pt

Scopus profile: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=22033460100

Short Biosketch


Prof. Lamsoudi Redouane

Regional Center for Education and Training Professions Casablanca- Settat

El Jadida Provincial Section, Morocco

Email: lamsoudi@gmail.com

Profile Link: NA 


Dr. C. Balaji Ayyanar

Assistant Professor,

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Tamilnadu, India

Emails: balajiayyanar.c@cit.edu.in, balajiayyanar2007@gmail.com

Profile : https://www.cit.edu.in/staff/mr-c-balaji-ayyanar-mech  

ORCID:  https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2044-4683

Publon: https://publons.com/researcher/3106679/balaji-ayyanar-chinnappan 

Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57202858729


Dr. Ravi Kumar Kotturi

Assistant Professor,

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology (Autonomous), Hyderabad, India

Email: ravikumarkotturi@gmail.com, ravikumarkotturi@vjit.ac.in

Profile Link: NA


Dr. R H M Somanath Swamy

Assistant Professor,

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

R Y M Engineering College, India

Email: somswamy@gmail.com, somanathswamy@rymec.in

ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6753-4320

Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57339881200


Dr. Harshit Prakashbhai Bhavsar

Assistant Professor,

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

SAL College of Engineering, India

Email: harry.bhavsar@gmail.com, harshit.bhavsar@sal.edu.in

Profile Link: NA


Prof. Hasan Köten

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Istanbul Medeniyet University, Türkiye

Email: hasan.koten@medeniyet.edu.tr, hkoten@gmail.com    

Profile Link: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1907-9420   


Note: We are thankful to all editors for their sincere help and support to develop this journal. All editors confirmed their joining in the board by email. Names of the remaining editors (if any) will be published soo